The City is transforming into a bicycle-friendly city, where people can choose to cycle for fun, fitness and travel.
Cycling Master Plan update project
The City is updating the Cycling Master Plan (CMP). This happens every 5 years to ensure the CMP aligns with new and changing guidelines and the needs and values of residents. The project aims to:
- Update the City’s planned network to improve connections and follow new design guidance.
- Develop a more equitable approach to implementing cycling facilities in the City.
- Prioritize connections to create a continuous network of cycling infrastructure that accommodates all ages and abilities.
- Make a five-year plan to connect the network.
- Work with interested parties, residents and external partners so that our projects can be implemented and supported by the community.
Get involved
During the initial phases of the project, we will hold community pop-up events and a PIC. These activities will help the City to understand residents’ preferences.
For more information about the 2024 Cycling Master Plan update and engagement opportunities, visit or subscribe to our engagement page.
The Cycling Master Plan maps out the City’s goals for designing and implementing cycling infrastructure in the City. These goals are supported by a series of recommendations and projects.
Every five years, the City updates the CMP to ensure it adheres to new and changing guidelines and align with residents’ needs and values. The first CMP update project took place in 2018. Since then, the City has been working towards building the cycling network.
The City is currently conducting the second Cycling Master Plan update project scheduled for completion in 2025. Projects started as part of the 2018 CMP remain ongoing. A full list of active projects can be found in the featured updates.