About Imagine Mississauga
What is the Imagine Mississauga Survey?
This survey is part of the City’s effort to update its Strategic Plan. It asks community members for their ideas and priorities to ensure the Plan reflects a shared vision and aligns with what matters most to residents, students, workers, and business owners.
Why is the City updating its Strategic Plan?
Over time, community needs and priorities evolve. By refreshing the Strategic Plan, the City ensures its focus remains current, addressing key challenges and opportunities for Mississauga’s future.
Survey Participation
Who is eligible to participate in the survey?
Anyone with a connection to Mississauga—whether you live, work, or study here—is encouraged to participate. Your input will help shape the City’s direction in the coming years.
Does the survey apply to me if I’m a student or only work in Mississauga?
Absolutely. Anyone who studies, lives or works in Mississauga has valuable insight into the city’s needs. Your perspective is encouraged.
How long does it take to complete the survey?
The survey typically takes about 3 minutes. You cannot save your progress, so it’s best to finish in one sitting.
Do I have to answer every question?
No. Participation is voluntary, and you may skip any question or withdraw from the survey at any time without penalty.
Can I change my answers after submitting the survey?
Once you’ve submitted the survey, you can’t change your responses. However, you are free to complete it again and request that your previous submission be removed if you have any concerns.
What if I don’t feel like I have a strong opinion on any topic?
That’s okay. Completing the survey still provides valuable data about community awareness and levels of concern. Every voice matters.
Survey Importance and Impact
Why does my input matter?
Your feedback informs future decisions and priorities. By sharing your perspectives, you help ensure the City’s goals and initiatives genuinely reflect community needs and aspirations.
Will my opinions or suggestions change existing Council decisions?
No. The survey focuses on future opportunities and priorities. It will not revisit or alter existing Council decisions or ongoing initiatives.
Privacy and Security
Is the survey anonymous?
Yes. No identifying information is collected, stored, or published. All results are analyzed in aggregate form, so individual responses remain confidential.
Is my information secure?
Yes. The survey is administered through a secure platform, ensuring your data is protected. The City of Mississauga does not sell or share personal information.
Who else will see my survey responses?
Only authorized project team members analyze the survey data. The public will see summarized, aggregate findings; individual responses are never shared.
Why does the survey ask for the first three characters of my postal code?
The first three characters of a postal code helps the City understand general geographic representation. It’s strictly used for location-based analysis and remains confidential.
What if I want to be entered in the prize draw?
There’s an optional prize draw at the end of the survey. If you choose to participate, your contact information is collected separately, ensuring your survey responses stay anonymous.
Survey Data Usage and Results
How will my responses be used?
All responses are reviewed collectively to identify trends, challenges, and opportunities. The insights gathered will guide the creation of new strategic priorities and long-term objectives for Mississauga.
How will the results be shared with the public?
After the survey period closes, the City will publish a summary report of the findings on the project page. This report will highlight major themes and trends identified from community feedback.
Further Engagement
How often will the City seek feedback on future priorities?
The City offers multiple opportunities for public input, ranging from surveys and community events to online consultations. You can indicate your preferred frequency of input in this survey.
Can I provide more feedback or ideas outside of the survey?
Yes. Visit www.mississauga.ca/imagine(External link) for additional engagement opportunities, updates, and ways to get involved.
Support and Contact
Who do I contact if I have questions or need help completing the survey?
If you need assistance or have further questions, reach out to the Strategic Plan project team at imagine@mississauga.ca or visit the project page(External link) for more information.