A Sky for Peoples and A Place For Us by Karly Cwink At IDEA Square One Innovation Hub
Downtown Core
Mural artwork, IDEA Square One Innovation Hub
Have you heard of the IDEA Square One Innovation Hub which opened in Square One Shopping Centre recently? This Innovation hub, home to IDEA Mississauga, is a 4,300 square-foot facility for start-ups, scale-ups, corporate leaders and investors to collaborate and grow together. In the spirit of entrepreneurship and to celebrate the creation of this exciting hub in Mississauga, IDEA and the City of Mississauga’s Culture Division commissioned a mural. A place for peoples and a place for us, by Ojibwe multidisciplinary artist Karly Cywink is a digital illustration, printing on vinyl which expands on Karly’s fascination with the sky and everything that it can hold. The artwork explores the many symbols and meanings of skies.
For more information on IDEA Mississauga visit: https://www.ideamississauga.ca/about/idea/
For more information on the mural visit: https://www.mississauga.ca/arts-and-culture/arts/public-art/temporary-public-art/a-sky-for-peoples-and-a-space-for-us/
More information about the artist:
https://www.karlycywink.com/ @karlycywinkart