Port Credit Fire Station mural "Flame of Life" by Emily Kewageshig
Mural artwork, Mississauga Fire Station #104
Mississauga Fire Station #104, in partnership with the City’s Culture Division, commissioned a mural for the garage doors of the fire station. Flame of Life by Emily Kewageshig explores the many symbols of fire held by Anishinaabeg people, which include power of renewal, rebirth, change and survival. Emily is an Anishinaabe artist and visual storyteller from Saugeen First Nation no. 29. Her work captures the interconnection of life forms using traditional and contemporary materials and centres around themes of birth, death and rebirth as they are closely intertwined in her cultural teachings and personal lived experiences.
For more information visit: https://www.mississauga.ca/arts-and-culture/arts/public-art/temporary-public-art/the-flame-of-life/
More information about the artist:
@emilykewageshig https://www.emily-kewageshig.com/