Why is the City initiating an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) for the Dixie Outlet Mall site?

    The Dixie Outlet Mall is located in the City of Mississauga’s Lakeview neighbourhood area. The last comprehensive policy review of the Lakeview area was completed in 2015 with the approval of the Lakeview Local Area Plan by City Council. Policies in the Mississauga Official Plan currently permit a maximum height of 4 storeys on the site and also specify that future redevelopment of the property will address the addition of future public roads to improve connections, retention of commercial space and appropriate transition to adjacent residential uses. 

    New and updated Official Plan policies are necessary to accommodate more housing, manage change, support the development of a complete community and express priorities for development of the Dixie Outlet Mall site. The OPA will consider new detailed policies that integrate a number of elements including a mix of uses, transportation, and heights to help guide redevelopment for this site.

    A development application for the Dixie Outlet Mall site has been submitted to the City. How will the development application be considered through this policy review?

    The Dixie Outlet Mall site is owned by Slate Asset Management (north half) and Choice Properties (south half) where there is currently a grocery store. Slate Asset Management recently submitted a development application for the northwest corner of the site, which requires the demolition of a portion of the mall. As applications are made, the City’s Planning and Building department will work closely with each property owner to ensure reviews are well-coordinated. Development applications for the site should have regard for new City policies.

    Can the City, through a City initiated OPA, require a landowner to provide a grocery store on site?

    A grocery store provides an important function for residents. The City can raise this with the landowner and encourage retention of the grocery store, however, the Planning Act does not provide municipalities with the authority to compel a grocery store as part of any redevelopment.  

    The Planning Act allows municipalities to designate and zone for the use, which in this case would be retail. The City can set out broad uses for the site, but it cannot control who or what type of retail business will locate there.

    What is a complete community?

    A complete community, as defined in the Provincial Growth Plan (A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe), means “places such as mixed-use neighbourhoods … that offer and support opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to conveniently access most of the necessities for daily living, including an appropriate mix of jobs, local stores, and services, a full range of housing, transportation options and public service facilities. Complete communities are age-friendly and may take different shapes and forms appropriate to their contexts.”

    Will there be affordable housing on this site?

    There is an opportunity for the site to redevelop with a range of housing choices in terms of type, tenure and price. The Region of Peel Official Plan has policies that require developers to submit a housing assessment for planning applications that propose more than 50 units. The assessment must demonstrate how the planning application contributes to the achievement of the Peel housing targets, including affordable and rental housing. The City will be evaluating how development proposals improve the supply of affordable housing and meet the housing need targets.

    What are the Lakeview Built Form Standards and what do they achieve?

    The Lakeview Built Form Standards, endorsed by City Council in 2015, complement the Lakeview Local Area Plan policies. They provide more detailed direction on the urban design policies set out in the Official Plan policies to implement the vision for the area. The standards are used during the design and review of development applications and intended to ensure that development contributes to a high quality built form in Lakeview. The Lakeview Built form Standards provide direction generally by Character Area and more specific standards by type of built form. For example, apartment buildings that over 6 storeys should have a minimum separation distance of 35 metres.

    Will there be more transit service in the area?

    As growth is expected with the redevelopment of the Dixie Outlet Mall site, it is anticipated that there will be increased demand for transit in this area. Transit service will be strengthened to and from the site, connecting it to major transit hubs and to other transit routes. Future transit improvements aligning with the objectives set out in MiWay’s Service Plan (MiWay Five) will help to expand service levels and make transit more reliable and efficient. Future transit infrastructure to support these service improvements will be planned by way of on-street stops and bus bays as part of this future redevelopment.