Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study
Why is Inclusionary Zoning Important?
The City is growing. We know that it can be a challenging to find affordable housing within Mississauga. In 2020, we saw that:
70% of households couldn't purchase any type of housing without spending >30% of their household income.
Only 10% of the population could afford a detached dwelling with an average price of over $1.2 Million.
Renter households are having difficulty finding housing that suits their needs.
We've also seen how this affects the City's ability to balance growth, support the workforce and achieve complete communities.
Since the adoption of Making Room for the Middle – A Housing Strategy for Mississauga in 2017, the City has been working collaboratively with the Region of Peel to develop tools to improve housing affordability in Mississauga.
Inclusionary Zoning is one such tool.
It allows the City to require a portion of new units in future developments located in protected major transit areas to be provided at affordable rates. Inclusionary Zoning could help to bring more affordable housing units to the City over the long term.
Stay Involved
Sign-up Stay up-to-date on all things related to the project by subscribing above to stay informed.
If you wish to mail your comments, please send them to:
Catherine Parsons, City Planning Strategies, 7th FL - Planning and Building, City of Mississauga, 300 City Centre Dr, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1.
Why is Inclusionary Zoning Important?
The City is growing. We know that it can be a challenging to find affordable housing within Mississauga. In 2020, we saw that:
70% of households couldn't purchase any type of housing without spending >30% of their household income.
Only 10% of the population could afford a detached dwelling with an average price of over $1.2 Million.
Renter households are having difficulty finding housing that suits their needs.
We've also seen how this affects the City's ability to balance growth, support the workforce and achieve complete communities.
Since the adoption of Making Room for the Middle – A Housing Strategy for Mississauga in 2017, the City has been working collaboratively with the Region of Peel to develop tools to improve housing affordability in Mississauga.
Inclusionary Zoning is one such tool.
It allows the City to require a portion of new units in future developments located in protected major transit areas to be provided at affordable rates. Inclusionary Zoning could help to bring more affordable housing units to the City over the long term.
Stay Involved
Sign-up Stay up-to-date on all things related to the project by subscribing above to stay informed.
If you wish to mail your comments, please send them to:
Catherine Parsons, City Planning Strategies, 7th FL - Planning and Building, City of Mississauga, 300 City Centre Dr, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1.
Proposed Provincial Regulation Changes
almost 2 years agoRecently, the Province announced potential changes to Ontario Regulation 232/18, which guides how municipalities can implement Inclusionary Zoning (IZ). As a past participant in the City’s IZ study, we wanted to ensure you are aware of the proposed changes and how to provide feedback to the Province.
In the table below, we have developed a comparison of Mississauga's current policies and the proposed provincial regulatory changes.
The Province is accepting comments from members of the public on the proposed changes until December 9, 2022.
To read more about these changes and share your feedback with the Province, see Environmental Registry of Ontario Notice #019-6173:
The current IZ Ontario Regulation 232/18 can be accessed here:
City staff have prepared a corporate report in response to the proposed legislation titled Bill 23 "More Homes Built Faster Act" and Implications for the City of Mississauga. It will be reviewed at a Special Council meeting on November 23 at 9:30 a.m. You can read a copy of the report here.
For more information from City Staff, please contact:
Catherine Parsons, MCIP, RPP
Planner, Planning Innovation, Planning and Building Department
T 905-615-3200 ext. 8409
Table 1: Comparison of Mississauga’s IZ Policies vs. Proposed Provincial Regulation Changes
Policy Area
Mississauga’s Inclusionary Zoning Official Plan Policy (August 10, 2022)
Proposed Change to Provincial Regulation O.Reg. 232/18
Set-aside Rate: The percentage of units or the percentage of the residential area in a development that is required to be “set-aside” as affordable housing.
After an initial phase-in period, Mississauga’s Official Plan requires set-aside rates that range from 5% to 10% depending on the location in the city.
Currently, there is no upper limit to the set-aside rate in the Provincial Regulation. The Province is proposing to limit the maximum set-aside rate a municipality can require to 5%.
Affordable Price and Affordable Rent: The price or rent at which an affordable unit must be sold or rented.
Mississauga’s current Official Plan policies indicate that housing is affordable if it costs no more than 30% of gross annual household income. The IZ policy is targeted to housing for moderate-income households.
- For affordable ownership units, this equates to prices that are no greater than about 50% to 60% of resale market prices.
- For affordable rental units, this equates to rents that are no greater than Average Market Rent as established by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).
Currently, there are no price/rent requirements in the Provincial Regulation. Other Provincial policy documents define affordability as housing that costs no more than 30% of gross annual household income.
The Province is proposing to require that municipalities cannot set the affordable price any lower than 80% of resale prices for ownership units
The Province is proposing to require that municipalities cannot set the affordable rent any lower than 80% of Average Market Rent for rental units.
Affordability Term: The length of time an affordable housing unit is required to remain affordable.
Currently, ownership units must stay affordable for 99 years and rental units must stay affordable for 25 years (plus a 5-year phase out).
The current Provincial Regulations do not set any limits to the affordability term. The Province is proposing to change the regulation so that the maximum affordability period a municipality can require is 25 years.
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Inclusionary Zoning adopted by City Council | August 10, 2022
about 2 years agoOn August 10, 2022 Mississauga City Council adopted Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Official Plan policies and zoning provisions, which will help get more affordable housing built across the City.
IZ is a tool that allows the City to require affordable housing units in certain new housing developments. Mississauga’s IZ policy will apply to larger development located in certain Major Transit Station Areas across the City. Once built, the new units will remain affordable over time.
Please see the notice of passing here.
If you have questions, or would like to share comments and concerns, you can also email
Thank you for your ongoing participation on the project.
The Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study Team
August 8 | Recommendations on the Affordability Term for Inclusionary Zoning Units
about 2 years agoRecommendations on the Affordability Term for Inclusionary Zoning Units
Staff will be presenting a supplementary recommendation report on the Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study. The report recommends changes to the affordability term for affordable rental and affordable ownership units. Community members can attend to ask questions and share their views. The Planning and Development Committee will make a decision on the proposed changes at the meeting. The meeting agenda is available here one week prior to the meeting. The meeting agenda will include the report as well as further details on how to participate virtually, in person, or provide written comments. Please note that advance notice is required if you wish to participate.
Final Council adoption of the Inclusionary Zoning policy and zoning framework is targeted for the August 10, 2022 Council meeting.
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
- Date: Monday, August 8, 2022
- Time: 1:30 PM
- Location: Online and Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
If you are unable to attend, have questions, or would like to share comments and concerns, you can also email or post on our Q&A tool.
Thank you for your ongoing participation on the Inclusionary Zoning Study for Affordable Housing.
The Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study Team
July 5, 2022 | Recommendations on the Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study
about 2 years agoStaff will be presenting a recommendation report on the Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study, including Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations. Community members can attend to ask questions and share their views. The Planning and Development Committee will make a decision on the proposed changes at the meeting. The meeting agenda is available here one week prior to the meeting. The meeting agenda will include the report as well as further details on how to participate virtually, in person, or provide written comments. Please note that advance notice is required if you wish to participate.
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
- Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2022
- Time: 6:00 PM
- Location: Online and Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
If you are unable to attend, have questions, or would like to share comments and concerns, you can also email or post on our Q&A tool.
Thank you for your ongoing participation on the Inclusionary Zoning Study for Affordable Housing.
The Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study Team
IZ Draft Official Plan Amendment Ready for Review!
over 2 years agoThank you for participating and providing feedback on the IZ for Affordable Housing Study. The Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study Draft Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Framework is now available for review. It will also be presented at Planning and Development Committee (PDC) on May 30, 2022. The Draft Official Plan Amendment documents can be viewed by clicking the links below:
- IZ Draft Official Plan Amendment Staff Report
- Appendix 1 - Draft IZ Official Plan Amendment
- Appendix 2 - Draft IZ Zoning Framework
If you are unable to attend the May 30th PDC meeting, have questions, or would like to share comments and concerns, please email or post your comments directly on to the report using our interactive PDF tool.
Please know, that your participation and feedback helped to inform the draft OPA and Zoning Framework.
IZ Community Engagement Summary and Survey Results Available!
over 2 years agoIn February and March 2022, the City held three meetings to gather feedback and comments on the preliminary policy directions for IZ. The first was a Community Meeting held on February 24, 2022, followed by two Roundtable Sessions for key stakeholders: developers on March 8, 2022, and housing advocates on March 10, 2022. We have compiled a summary of the feedback we received at the meeting. Please see the document here.
In addition to the meetings, a survey was launched to gather feedback on the preliminary policy directions for IZ. The survey consists of six questions that ask about current and future housing situations, balancing priorities, incentives, and policy options. Between February 23, 2022, and April 13, 2022, 45 unique responses were received, which we have summarized here.
Thank you for your ongoing participation in the study.
The Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study project team
We will be presenting the draft Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Policies. Community members can attend to ask questions and share further comments on the proposed changes.
Public Meeting - Planning and Development Committee
- Date: Monday, May 30, 2022
- Time: 1:30 PM
- Location: Online and Mississauga Civic Centre, Council Chamber, 300 City Centre Drive
- The public Meeting Notice can be found here
This meeting will be held in person and online. Advance registration is required to make a verbal submission at the meeting virtually. Advance registration is preferred to make a verbal submission at the meeting in person. The proceedings will be streamed live online for the public to view at the following link: http://www.
If you wish to phone in to listen to the meeting only, please call 905-615-3200, ext. 4915 for instructions.
The report is available online here one week before the meeting. If you are unable to attend, have questions, or would like to share comments and concerns, you can also email or post on our Q&A tool.
Thank you for your ongoing participation.
The Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study Team
Join Us! Community Meeting on February 24, 2022
over 2 years agoJoin us for a community meeting on Inclusionary Zoning and City-wide Major Transit Station Areas. Staff will present preliminary policy directions affecting future developments in major transit station areas. Learn how these policies could help to bring more affordable units to the City over the long term.
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022.
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Register here for the virtual community meeting!
Join Us! Planning and Development Committee Meeting
over 2 years agoOn January 24th, 2022, staff will present an update on the City’s Inclusionary Zoning study to the Planning and Development Committee (PDC) meeting. Learn about the proposed policy directions and how it could help to bring more affordable units to the City over the long term. The PDC Information Report is available to view here.
Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Date: January 24, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Online, can be streamed live here
File: CD.06-INC
Participate Virtually
Advance registration is required to participate and/or make a comment in the meeting virtually. Please email no later than Friday, January 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. and provide your name, phone number, and file number if you wish to speak to the Committee. Any materials you wish to show the Committee during your presentation must be provided as an attachment to the email. Links to cloud services will not be accepted. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks' staff.
Participate Via Telephone
Residents without access to the internet, via computer, smartphone or tablet, can participate and/or make comment in the meeting via telephone. To register, please call Megan Piercey at 905-615-3200 ext. 4915 no later than Friday, January 21, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. You must provide your name, phone number, and file number if you wish to speak to the Committee. You will be provided with directions on how to participate from Clerks' staff.
Thank you for your participation in the Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study!
On February 24, 2022, the City of Mississauga held an online community meeting on Inclusionary Zoning and City-Wide Major Transit Station Areas. Staff presented preliminary policy directions affecting future developments in major transit stations areas. Have your say and:
- Complete the survey on your Inclusionary Zoning priorities (the survey is now closed)
- Review the presentation slides
- Watch the recording of Part 1 and Part 2 of the community meeting
Thank you for your participation in the Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study!
Follow Project
Key Dates
Phase 1. Project Launch
Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study has finished this stageWinter - Fall 2021
- Background Work
Phase 2: Community and Stakeholder Engagement
Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study has finished this stageFall 2021 - Winter 2022
- Community information sessions
- Stakeholder working groups
Phase 3: Draft Policy Framework
Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study has finished this stageWinter 2022 - Spring 2022
- Feedback on the draft policy
Phase 4: Final Policy Framework
Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study has finished this stageSpring/Summer 2022
- Recommendation Report at Council
Phase 5: Implementation Guidelines
Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study is currently at this stageWinter 2022/2023
Related projects
Live Projects
Archived Projects
- Bill 23 “More Homes Built Faster Act” and Implications for City of Mississauga
- August 10, 2022 | Notice of Passing of an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law
- August 8, 2022 | Planning and Development Committee
- July 5, 2022 | Planning and Development Committee
- Planning and Development Committee Meeting, May 30 | IZ Draft Official Plan Amendment Report
- IZ Survey Results (755 KB) (pdf)
- What We Heard | Summary of IZ Survey Results (653 KB) (pdf)
- Public Meeting Notice | May 30 (314 KB) (pdf)
- March 10 - IZ Roundtable for Housing Advocates (3.38 MB) (pdf)
- March 8 - Industry Roundtable Meeting Presentation (3.52 MB) (pdf)
- Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing and City-Wide Major Transit Station Area Study Presentation_Feb 24_2022.pdf (4.7 MB) (pdf)
- Planning and Development Committee Meeting 01-24-2022
- On February 24, 2022, the City of Mississauga held an online community meeting on Inclusionary Zoning and City-Wide Major Transit Station Areas. Staff presented preliminary policy directions affecting future developments in major transit stations areas. Watch the recording to learn how these policies could help bring more affordable units to the City over the long term. Follow the Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study and City-Wide Major Transit Station Areas Study at
- On February 24, 2022, the City of Mississauga held an online community meeting on Inclusionary Zoning and City-Wide Major Transit Station Areas. Staff presented preliminary policy directions affecting future developments in major transit stations areas. Watch the recording to learn how these policies could help bring more affordable units to the City over the long term. Follow the Inclusionary Zoning for Affordable Housing Study and City-Wide Major Transit Station Areas Study at
Related Links
- Draft Inclusionary Zoning Feasibility Analysis and Policy Directions - Region of Peel
- Feasibility Analysis - Evaluation of Potential Impacts and Implementation of an Affordable Housing Inclusionary Zoning Policy
- 2018 Regional Housing Strategy Data Update April 2021
- Bill 108, More Homes, More Choices Act, 2019
- Evaluation of Impacts of Inclusionary Zoning Policy Peer Review & Written Opinion
Study Area Map
Food for Thought
Other cities in North America are exploring Inclusionary Zoning. Explore these suggested resources to learn more and think about how this could fit in Mississauga:
Who's Listening
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