Report on the Cycling Master Plan 2010-2017

How Far Have We Come?

Since 2010 many cycling projects and initiatives have been completed and more are underway. The following is a snapshot of the work that has been done since the Cycling Master Plan was adopted.


Goal 1: Foster a Culture Where Cycling is an Everyday Activity

Active Transportation Staff:

  • An Active Transportation Office was established in the Transportation and Works Department to oversee the implementation of the Cycling Master Plan. This office currently has three full time staff with contract and summer staff brought on to assist with special projects.

Cycling To School:

  • The Region of Peel, through the Peel Safe and Active Routes to School Committee has implemented a grant program for bicycle parking at schools across the region, and has produced a bike rodeo manual to support schools and other organizations who wish to host a bicycle education event for young children.

Promoting Cycling:

  • A 2016 online cycling survey collected information on cycling preferences and raised awareness of cycling among over 1,600 participants. The survey is still available as we gather input for Does Cycling Move You?.
  • Mississauga Cycling Map: a map of all the cycling routes in the city was created in 2014. An updated map will be released in May 2017.
  • • Tour de Mississauga is an annual cycling event that was hosted by the Mississauga Cycling Advisory Committee and in 2016 was hosted by Sustain Mobility. Last year the tour attracted approximately 3,500 cyclists.
  • Bike Month is celebrated across the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area (GTHA) at the end of May every year. This year, events will start with Bike to Work Day on May 29 and other cycling themed events continuing through to June 30th.


Goal 2: - Build an integrated cycling network as part of a multi-modal transportation system.

Cycling Network Expansion and Improvements:

The 2010 Cycling Master Plan built upon existing trails and bicycle facilities to propose an expanded and connected bicycle network that provides access to key destinations like public transit. Since 2010, the city has implemented a number of trails and on-street cycling routes to help achieve the Cycling Master Plan goals.

More information on specific projects is posted on Mississauga’s Cycling page

Bicycle Facility Type

# of kms
before 2010

# of kms


Bicycle Lanes




Boulevard Trails




Off-Road Trails




Shared Routes









Establish a Regulatory Framework:

Mississauga’s Official Plan was amended to include language that supports the implementation of the Cycling Master Plan, and the major cycling routes that make up a connected primary cycling network were added as Official Plan Schedule 7.

Review and Update the Cycling Master Plan:

Does Cycling Move You? Is a project to review and update the 2010 Cycling Master Plan. This project was started in spring 2017.

Bicycle Parking Design Guidelines:

A design guide is under development for bicycle “end of trip facilities” which include things that you might need at the end of your bicycle trip such as bicycle parking and shower facilities (if you are cycling to work). This guide will be developed as part of the city’s Transportation Demand Management Strategy.


The City of Mississauga received a $325,000 Cycling Infrastructure Program grant from the Province of Ontario in 2016 to build a multi-use trail in the boulevard of Thomas Street to connect to the Streetsville GO Station. In March 2017, the City received a $3,757,000 Public Transit Infrastructure Fund grant from the federal government for cyclist and pedestrian access to Mississauga Transitway and GO stations. More information on the projects to be funded through this grant will be posted on the City’s Cycling page this summer


Goal 3: - Adopt a “Safety First” approach for cycling in Mississauga

Cycling Safety Handbook

Mississauga Cyclists Handbook was released in 2013 – this resource has been translated into 7 different languages and provides information on bicycle safety, bicycle maintenance and rules of the road.

Bicycle Friendly Catchbasin Covers

The city has changed the standard design of catchbasin covers. The angle and size of the openings in this design are friendly to bicycle wheels (bicycle wheels won’t get caught in the gaps).

Inspecting Off-Road Trails

Community Services Division has implemented an inspection program to monitor the condition of off-road trails to ensure high standards of maintenance and repair.

Establishing Technical Standards for Cycling

Pilot projects for crossrides and coloured bike lanes have been initiated.


A crossride is a dedicated bicycle crossing used where a trail crosses a roadway or major driveway. Crossride pavement markings have been installed at some unsignalized intersections along multi-use trails including Sheridan Trail and Queensway Trail. Crossrides at intersections with signals have been introduced along the Terry Fox Trail at Matheson Boulevard and along the Burnhamthorpe Trail at Kariya Gate and Duke of York Boulevard.

Coloured Bicycle Lanes

Green pavement markings have been added to some bicycle lanes to increase visibility for cyclists. Locations include Mississauga Road at Dundas Street and on City Centre Drive approaching Mississauga Celebration Square.