Increasing Housing Choices in Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbouhoods: Neighourhood Zoning Review | November 2024 Community Meetings
In November 2024, City staff held three community meetings to get feedback on the neighbourhood zoning review. This includes:
• Allowing more semi-detached homes to be built in residential areas that have historically allowed only detached homes
• Updating lot requirements to allow for smaller lots
• Simplifying single-detached neighbourhood zones in the City’s Zoning By-law
The aim is to give residents more flexibility and low-rise housing options on their properties by removing barriers for semi-detached and homes on smaller lots.
Increasing Housing Choices in Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhood Study - On Demand Engagement
We're looking for your input on introducing more housing options in our neighbourhoods. Launched last spring, our Increasing Housing Choices in Neighbourhood Study is exploring ways to add gentle density through a variety of housing choices.
Start by watching our video to learn more about the different housing options we are exploring and their design concepts. Then take our survey to let us know your thoughts on general fit, yard space, privacy, parking and the best way to access the units. There is also an opportunity to provide comments on the concept designs and floor plans.
How to increase housing choic How to increase housing choices in neighbourhoods? | June 2021 Community Meeting
On June 23, 2021, the City of Mississauga held a virtual community meeting to explore your ideas on housing options. Tune into the conversation on increasing housing choices in neighbourhoods with a presentation from Planner Elizabeth Bang. Learn more about the Official Plan Review here:
Example of Corner Garage ConveExample of Corner Garage Conversion
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