Lakeshore East Corridor Study

The City is commencing a review of built form, height and density along the Lakeshore Road East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The goal of the study is to refine the policy framework that will guide future growth and a compatible form of new development in the area.

The study covers the frontage properties along Lakeshore Road East between Seneca Avenue and the Etobicoke Creek (see map below). The Lakeview Village Master Plan and the surrounding properties are not included in the study area, as these lands were part of the Inspiration Lakeview project.

The City is commencing a review of built form, height and density along the Lakeshore Road East Corridor in the Lakeview area. The goal of the study is to refine the policy framework that will guide future growth and a compatible form of new development in the area.

The study covers the frontage properties along Lakeshore Road East between Seneca Avenue and the Etobicoke Creek (see map below). The Lakeview Village Master Plan and the surrounding properties are not included in the study area, as these lands were part of the Inspiration Lakeview project.


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  • Will the results of the completed study be incorporated into Mississauga's Official Plan, currently under review?

    chrismackie asked over 3 years ago

    Our intention is to provide additional policies and urban design guidelines regarding development on Lakeshore Road. We have not determined if these proposed policies will be part of the Official Plan Review process or a separate Official Plan Amendment process.

  • What is the point of going through the process and time commitment of community engagement and policy creation if individual developers don't feel they need to adhere to it?

    LakeviewMike asked over 3 years ago

    We want to review the existing policies and either update them or keep them as is depending on our findings. By updating our Official Plan, we are setting the framework to guide new development. Under Ontario law, landowners will always have the ability to submit applications that request variances from in-force polices.

  • With the two big projects coming up on Lakeshore - inspirational lakeview and brightwaters - traffic is going increase many golf. What is the plan for traffic going North to the QEW? What roads would they be taking and what are your plans to handle the increased traffic going North.

    LVA asked over 3 years ago

    Traffic and transportation is a concern for many people in the community. The Lakeshore Connecting Communities Transportation Master Plan was endorsed by City Council. Information regarding traffic, transit, capacity, and improvements are found here:

    In addition, each rezoning application must provide a transportation impact study.

  • TWO PART QUESTION. PART 1 : As a community member that has watched community efforts be put aside, often due to reasons unexplained, apparently favoring the developer (emphasis on "apparently" as I am not truly privy to the developers’ priorities), I would like to say that it is my wish that this project, when it is finished, will leave a plan (a blue print or template, if you will) that city planners, developers and citizens can turn to and RELY ON in such a way that NO stakeholder will be able to claim "but I was under the impression that _______ was "permitted", or "not permitted" as the case may be. Will that be the case? PART 2: If a committee of experts and stakeholders is going to be formed to work on this "study", may I suggest that citizens, city planners, city officials, and developers are included? I include developers for two reasons, A: they can provide necessary insights so that neighbours, in particular, develop realistic expectations, and B: it should make it easier, at any approval process level, to say "your request, as a developer, is unreasonable". I might suggest that once a developer has a property included in the Lakeshore Corridor, they are no longer eligible to be on such a committee.

    Trevor Baker asked over 3 years ago

    The Official Plan and Lakeview Local Area Plan provide a vision for how we want to grow. 

    In consultation with the local Councillor, we will be convening stakeholder committee(s), which will include community members, landowners, and developers. 

  • Can we get some Culture and Lifestyle included in these plans. Cinema, Theatre, Amphitheatre, Galleries, Dance and Outdoor Patio fun. Not just the even present expansion on the whole 'condo' idea. Condos are both a curse of boredom, affordably out of reach, and lacking innovative Green-Spaces... can we plan beyond more of the same old same old new ?? Culture and events are needed for quality of Life.

    Kim & Roy asked over 3 years ago

    The current land use designation and zoning along Lakeshore Road permit a variety of uses, including cultural uses such as galleries, cinemas, theatre, studios, and restaurants. We envision a mixed-use community along Lakeshore Road, and will ensure that a variety of uses are permitted. 

    We would also note the Lakeview Village area is also being planned with a cultural hub,

  • I registered for my husband and I to attend the community meeting on Feb. 23 using Eventbrite and have received a confirmation email but nothing explains how to join the meeting. Please advise.

    bailey.anne556 asked over 3 years ago

    Please check your “Eventbrite” Registration Confirmation under “Additional Information” to find the WebEx meeting information and the link to the meeting log in.

Page last updated: 02 Dec 2022, 11:15 AM